Angel Battalion is 1350 Distilling's charitable arm. As printed on every bottle,
"We pledge to donate ten percent of all profits to veteran and local charities."
Each quarter 1350 Distilling selects a different non-profit to focus our fundraising energy towards. Instead of providing small assistance to several organizations, we have chosen to raise funds for one organization to help raise more money and make a deeper impact. We will continue to provide in-kind and room rental donations to local military, first responder and family charities as we have since opening in 2019, but our emphasis will be to highlight individual groups in more detail with our Quarterly Non-Profit Focus. During each quarter we will donate a percentage of total bottle sales from our Taste Lounge to our Quarterly Non-Profit Focus while sharing the positive work and services of our highlighted charity.

The week of Sept 13th we released a Limited Edition Memorial Bourbon (100 Proof / 50% ABV) in conjunction with the 2023 IAFF Firefighters Memorial held at Memorial Park in Colorado Springs. A portion of the proceeds were collected and donate to the Colorado Springs Firefighters Foundation as a part of our Q3 2023 Angel Battalion fundraising.
2023 Q2 FOCUS

Suicide – a leading cause of death in the state of Colorado – a stark reality that we can work together to change. Pikes Peak Suicide Prevention Partnership has served the Pikes Peak Region since 1993, providing free suicide prevention resources and support services to increase awareness, provide education, and connect individuals and organizations to needed resources. Suicide can be prevented by increasing protective factors and decreasing risk factors. One really important protective factor we can all work on each day is creating connections with one another. Each month, PPSPP puts out a Connections Calendar full of community events where connections can be made, or strengthened, through spending time together doing something fun!

Q3 2022 Angel Battalion Non-Profit Check Presentation for Mt. Carmel Veterans Services
From July 1 through Sept 30, 2022 we collected 10% of all bottle sales in our Taste Lounge for Mt. Carmel Veterans Services Center. On October 5, 2022 we presented Mt. Carmel Veterans Services Center with at check for $2,034.39 to Paul Price, Director of Operations for Mt. Carmel. This outstanding organization is a staple in the veteran and family assistance community for the Pikes Peak Region. They are the gold standard for pooling and networking multiple non-profit initiatives to help the livelihoods of our military and their loved ones. Their Mission is "To provide best practices for our military, veterans, and their families through accessible programs, integrated resources, and collaborative partnerships that empower lives and strengthen our community."
They are one of the first organizations 1350 Distilling partnered with at our Grand Opening in November 2019. We want our customers and supporters to be aware that their purchases in out Taste Lounge Make A Difference to our community. We want our community to be aware of the positive efforts Mt. Carmel continues to strive for in Colorado Springs and the outlying communities. Learn more about Mt. Carmel Veteran Services here.
Podcast discussing how 1350 Distilling is partnering with Mt. Carmel Veteran Services now until September 30, 2022, and how you can "Taste the Difference. Make a Difference."

Q2 2022 Focus:
Veterans Victory Alliance
Q2 2022 Angel Battalion Non-Profit Check Presentation for Veterans Victory Alliance
From April 1 through June 30, 2022 we collected 10% of all bottle sales in our Taste Lounge for Veterans Victory Alliance (VVA). On September 28, 2022 we presented VVA with at check for $1,235.00 to Mary Miller, Chief Operating Officer and Brandy Moralez, Secretary of the Board of Veterans Victory Alliance.
On Saturday 23 April 1350 Distilling hosted VVA's fundraiser in our Taste Lounge. Together we raised over $12,000 for their cause.
Our first organization we have chosen for the second quarter of 2022 (April through June) is Veterans Victory Alliance.
Veterans Victory Alliance (VVA) provides a Montana Sanctuary Experience venue for Veterans and First Responder Programs to Reconnect, Recreate, and Rejuvenate. VVA offers Veteran and First Responder programs a rustic and comfortable Montana ranch facility for like-mission programs to conduct programs and events focused on personal and team wellness, leveraging the majestic outdoor recreational venue of Moon Eagle River Ranch. Through collaborations with like-minded programs, currently we offer their staffs and participants limited cabin accommodations, but with our long-term vision, we can offer rustic camping opportunities, via tents, RVs, and eventually two and four-person cabins.
VVA will become the venue of choice in Montana for nation-wide programs in need of an exceptional outdoor venue experience in which to conduct their activities. Our team, assembled by founder Victoria Miralda, Colonel, U.S. Army Retired, established this vision to provide this space uniquely for our Veterans and First Responders, as a result of first-hand experience with the invisible wounds service often imposes. The establishment of Moon Eagle River Ranch (MERR) is grounded in the desire to unite the community and reduce the unacceptable national Veterans and First Responder suicide rates, replacing it with healthy outlets.
Venue. VVA maintains the MERR, in Sula, Montana, a dedicated wilderness site for Veterans and First-Responders to gather in a supportive environment to further personal and partner program team goals, and to “Reconnect, Recreate, and Rejuvenate” their minds, bodies, and spirits.
MERR is located at the edge of the Montana Anaconda-Pindler Wilderness, along the east fork of the famous Bitterroot River. MERR includes a guest house, stable, private residence, two homestead cabins, two warehouses, an operations center, with kitchen and bathroom, multiple garages, and a 28-foot diameter Lodge TiPi. MERR is 31 miles Southeast of where the Paramount network series “Yellowstone” is filmed in the glorious Bitterroot Valley.
VVA provides the venue and meals, and conducts the coordination with local outfitters and businesses for selected program activities in support of other like-minded nonprofit organizations (Programs), which closely align with our own service values, focusing on the Veteran and First Responder.
On 11/24/2020, the VVA received its Articles of Incorporation certification by the State of Montana. As of 05/04/2021, the VVA is also recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

2022 Charities
In 2022, 1350 Distilling's Angel Battalion contributed to the following nonprofit organizations:
Cystic Fibrosis
Catalyst Campus
Air Force Academy Boy Scouts